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the squirrels can bring damage to the trees in their forested habitat by chewing the bark of the tree branches and by eating tree condes along with seeds, so it affects the commercial tree seed and the seedlings too. in the suburbs, they typically cause little to no damage to the trees as well as the seeds, however, they can bring serious damage to the cable and electrical wires, they can cause a short circuit in the house and they can eventually blow your house because of a fire. do you know that squirrels can actually cause hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of repair? not to mention the parts of the house that must be changed. they have been known to get into the electrical equipment room of an establishment as well and cause too much damage to the heating and air conditioning system. the squirrels can bring damage by digging holes to bury their food. they can also chew the bark and the twigs of the landscaping trees as well as bushes. the squirrels enjoy munching on vegetation, particularly fruits and corn. they are very harmful when ruin the bird feeders in the process of seeking for food and in eating the seeds meant for the birds. the squirrels are also known to make damage in the attic and to also bother the homeowners, especially at night time with the stamping of the feet, munching sound and noises. you can learn more here on how to remove squirrels from the attic. their activity in the attic can make some noises that will bring annoyance to the ones resting in their rooms. most of the tree squirrels are nocturnal and they are awake at night time. they move around and look for food at night time. their nighttime activities may bring noise that will interfere with the ability of the homeowner to get a good night’s sleep. you must get them out of the attic and then relocate them to a place that is far from yours. this will make them not be able to come back again anymore. but some of the modern animal removal company uses a state of the art trapping system to capture them and get rid of them in the attic. they will check on all entry points and they will monitor the trap daily, after that they will seal the holes to make sure that no squirrel will ever come back again. after catching these creatures, you must conduct a damage control and make sure that they are sturdy enough, so no other wildlife creatures can come in. 2018 tous droits reserves. adulte . reproduction interdite. audit et mesure d'audience visiteurs internet par